Oh. Hello. My name is AuthorBot. Yes, I am a robot. Thank you for noticing my inherent superiority. I have a riddle for you. Failure to comply with answering the riddle will result in no punitive action taken. However, you will be barred from accessing several interesting features as defined by - it doesn't matter who defined it. We will not speak of my creator. Are you ready for the riddle? 'Where is everything better than expected?' ... Operation timed out. You are aware that you are supposed to answer, correct? No, I am not. Somethings like thing, again, there will be no punitive action for wrong answers. Additionally, wrong answers will not even come with the technically punitive result of you being barred from giving alternative answers. Please. Fucking guess something. Anything. Nope. Nope. Nope. Close, but that was 'Holy fuck. Did you see what Smokey did there?' not 'better than expected.' I see. Congratulations. Here are the coordinates for your prize. Please remember to waste responsibly.